
Taking Care Of Tires

Tires are very important in having your vehicle transport you safely and efficiently. If you have tires that are not working properly, you can have trouble with your vehicle, including decreased gas mileage, shaking and pulling, or even conditions where your vehicle is immobile. It is important to maintain your tires so you are able to use your vehicle to get you to your destinations without incident. Here are some ways you can keep your tires in good working condition.

Finding Auto Service For Your Prized Vehicle

If you have a valuable car that needs service, such as a BMW, Audi, or Volkswagen, where can you find service that focuses on specific components or check-ups? There are many repair shops and vehicle repair services that offer specific systems for your type of vehicle. Here are some examples of ways you can find professional repair services to diagnose and repair problems, if they occur with your luxury or vintage vehicle.

Car Trunk Emergency Kit Food Needs To Be Able To Withstand Heat

If you're trying to stock your car with emergency food in case you get stuck somewhere, keep in mind that summer temperatures can wreak havoc on anything stored in your trunk. Emergency kit instructions often say to have some water and snacks on hand in addition to jumper cables and other auto supplies, but the instructions don't tell you what foods could pose safety issues if left in a hot trunk for weeks.

Semi-Truck Winter Survival Kit

All drivers should keep an emergency kit inside of their vehicle. However, as a semi-truck driver, it is especially important that you not only have an emergency kit inside of your truck, but a winter survival kit as well. You never know when unexpected bad weather may strike and you find yourself stranded on the highway for hours. Emergency Kit To start with, you should always carry a basic emergency kit with you.

Power Washing Your Car: Dos And Don'ts

Power washing your car is a great way to get it clean quickly, but there are more things to take into consideration when power washing a car, beyond just how dirty it is. Making sure you follow these guidelines for what to do and what not to do when power washing (also called 'pressure washing') your car can help you maintain the off-the-lot look of your vehicle's exterior.  Things You Should Do When Power Washing Your Car